Haiku Wednesday. On Saturday. Before Easter.

Mangled joy of Spring:
The Texas Chainsaw Bunny
[Go now! Run, kid, run!]


A Pink Floyd rabbit…
if The Wall had a bunny.
So terrifying.


Before he finds that
baby’s head’s not chocolate-filled…
this photo was snapped.


Black Easter deadlights
hypnotize one and frighten
the other white meat.


The look of evil
filled like a Cadbury egg
its albino eyes.


Son, have a nice slice
of cake filled with children’s flesh,
it goes down like silk.



Haiku Wednesday: White Yankee Elephant Swap

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Festivus, and Merry Winter Solstice. However you decide to celebrate, may your gifts be better than these. And if you will be participating in what North Americans refer to as a White Elephant or Yankee Swap gift exchange, I hope you are able to stun your colleagues and constituents with gifts as random and disturbing as these.


Lucky Nuts Squirrel
gave up his feet for fashion.
They scratch my neck, though.

Domestic hero?
She represents WOMEN’S LIB!
 “Where’s my pot pie, bitch?”

Well, you’re a sad pair.
Don’t cry tears of da feet, just
slipper on, you two.

Big ‘billy Ammo:
Show ‘em all you’d go “postal”!
[Gun not included]

Sad Brontosaurus.
And sad writer …and reader…
*sigh*…Merry Sadmas.

Who invented this
robot arm to malfunction
and choke your life out?

Useless canine ghoul,
Someone rubbed your nose in sh**
Knick-knack, that is whack.

In the name of the
Holy Toast I pronounce you
buttered and tasty.

Haiku Wednesday: Photos With Santa

… And this one’s Jenny.
When I behead you girls you’ll
both be in row five.


Black socket Santas
trafficking confused children.
Yule wish you were safe. 


 Hey, Santa Wizard,
step away from the orphans
and calm your ‘stache, please.


 I hate sax music!
Make the imp go away, Dad!
Winter’s leprachaun!


 Cobwebbed Christmas trees
always unsettled Billy.
That, and killer toys.


 Prepped to eat Yoko,
Ogre Santa’s beard doubles
as a blood catcher.


Original LIFE slideshow photo source.

Haiku Wednesday: Ugly Rennaissance Babies

Thanks to my pal Kristy for pointing out the source of these photos: http://uglyrenaissancebabies.tumblr.com/

And if you like poetry, please visit my friend Tom’s latest poetry blog at http://contentedunderpressure.wordpress.com/


Timberlake-haired tot
With the sharp bird beak nose, please
cover your wee junk.

Zombie angel ghouls
bite and devour Jesus Christ.
He tastes Heavenly!

Frida Kahlo-esque.
“Stare into my black deadlights.”
Joyless baby man.

What! Babies can’t read.
Her fingers do the walking,
each broken and bent.

Eye Baggage Central!
Mom holds baby, baby holds…
a random orange.

Long torso-ed Jesus;
Born a 10-year-old to the
extra long-necked Mary.

Does this bug you, Mom?
[Mom could use a good stiff drink.]
Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!

Shrinking face disease.
Mistaken double penis.
Got my eyes on you.

Occupy My Thoughts

In light of the Occupy protests, resistance, arrests, and public outcry, I’m reminded of a wonderful quote that is not my own, but is one with which I 100% agree.


Haiku Wednesday: More Unexplainables

Basket case Billy;
Quick, someone slam the lid shut
and roll it downhill!


 A Morton Salt ad
for a tasty suckling Babe,
When it rains, it oinks.


Such conflicting props.
Quoth the raven, “Never horns!”
So David Lynch-esque.


THEY LIVE for judgment,
numbered female namelessness,
and torpedo boobs.


 This teddy bear sucks.
I want one that’s de-clawed and


Sleepwalkin’ creepy:
Where The (olde) Wild Things Are on
All Ambien’s Eve.


James insisted on
a steampunk-themed photo and
Lynn’s pissed — can you tell?

Haiku Wednesday: A Halloween Ode to Horror

Legend of Zelda;
Anorexic PSA,
A pawn of the King.


 The sight of this clown
Makes me need to change my drawers…
They all float down here!

Overlook Furries,
Gimme some snort-hog lovin’!
You’re my caretaker ❤

I don’t feel so well.
Puppetmasta, puke fasta!
This grosses me out*

 *Actually grosses me out.



Leatherface Wanted:
Tall, must fill up a doorway,
cross-dress / skin sew soft.

Turn around, bright eyes.
The pow’r of soup compels you!
Hey, who wants split pea?

{Besties with Pinhead}
I have a HUGE toothbrush and
I floss with your fear.

Haiku Wednesday…On Thursday: Part Deux

Lenny the Bear laughs
at the photog’s disregard
for his fellow man.


Put ‘em up, sweet cheeks,
this random bird cage is mine!
And stop with that grin!


Lynn admires Ann
for her negative jean size;
“one day I’ll be thin…”


Boot! Get your boot here!
Did I mention it’s RUBBER?
And we deliver!

 Help, I got it stuck!!
And Clucky’s pecking at it!
Dad?… Dad! Quit laughing!

Bored Ostfront soldiers
put on the best talent shows
next to the outhouse.

Haiku Wednesday…On Thursday

These photos, originally posted in Buzzfeed, were brought to my attention by @goebejoe. Kudos to you, my friend, for stoking my haiku fire. I needed that. WARNING: a few may be unsuitable for younger readers.

Billy always hates
weekends at Satan’s…that’s some
court-ordered bullsh**.

Old-time Basket Case.
But Belial is polite
and snappily dressed.

Big Boss “Cheeks” Malone
has Miami by the balls.
Yeah. Now beat it, kid.

Lil’ Sarah Palin
hunts commies, armed with

Bubba hates pink food,
except hot pink sirloin strips
wrapped in pink bacon.

(Rattling along)
Top of the mourning to you,
my transparent friend.

Sally says to Sam:
Who’s ready for some good head?
Don’t all speak at once.

Team Lizzie Borden
wins Bloodiest Slaughter of
Innocents contest.

Hints of Autumn

Autumn in my favorite. The weather has just started to hint at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, so I am swooning. I love everything about fall and wish it would last…this is my official welcoming:
Three Pieces on the Smoke of Autumn
by Carl Sandburg
SMOKE of autumn is on it all.
The streamers loosen and travel.
The red west is
stopped with a gray haze.
They fill the ash trees, they wrap the oaks,
They make a long-tailed rider
In the pocket of the first, the
earliest evening star.. . .
Three muskrats swim west on the Desplaines River.
There is a sheet of red ember glow on the river; it is dusk; and
the muskrats one by one go on patrol routes west.
Around each slippery padding rat, a fan of ripples;
in the silence of dusk a faint wash of ripples,
the padding of the rats going west, in a dark and shivering river gold.

(A newspaper in my pocket says the Germans pierce the Italian line;
I have letters from poets and sculptors in Greenwich Village; I have letters
from an ambulance man in France and an I. W. W. man in Vladivostok.)

I lean on an ash and watch the lights fall,
the red ember glow, and three muskrats
swim west in a fan of ripples on a sheet of river gold.. . .
Better the blue silence and the gray west,
The autumn mist on the river,
And not any hate
and not any love,
And not anything at all of the keen and the deep:
Only the peace of a dog head on a barn floor,
And the new corn shoveled in bushels
And the pumpkins brought from the corn rows,
Umber lights of the dark,
Umber lanterns of the loam dark.

Here a dog head dreams.
Not any hate, not any love.
Not anything but dreams.
Brother of dusk and umber.
